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Give the Gift of MAPP

The MAPP Assessment makes a wonderful gift for anyone. For family members, students and others in transition in your life, MAPP is a great gift. Purchase a MAPP Executive Package Gift Certificate for someone in need of career guidance.

The Executive Package

The $149.95 Executive Package consists of a complete MAPP Career Motivational Appraisal, 22+ pages in length, which includes:

  1. Top Ten Job Areas you should consider based on your motivations
  2. The complete Vocational Analysis Numerical and graphical presentations of all 72 worker trait codes
  3. Narrative interpretation of your ratings in all 9 worker trait groups
  4. In-Depth Career Outlook information, such as earning potential, expected training, job outlook, etc. from the US Department of Labor.
  5. Unlimited matching to over 1,000+ careers.
  6. MAPP Resume Report - summaries of your top 6 motivators written for ease of use in a resume
  7. And more...

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